Sudeep Chakravarti is the author of Red Sun: Travels in Naxalite Country (2008, 2009), a work of narrative non-fiction about India's ongoing Maoist rebellion that was short-listed for the Vodafone Crossword Non-fiction Award 2008. He is also the author of three novels. Tin Fish, his best-selling debut novel, was published in 2005; it was republished by HarperCollins in 2011. The Avenue of Kings, the sequel, was published to critical acclaim in 2010. His third novel, Once Upon a Time in Aparanta (2008), a dark satire, will soon be republished as an e-book. Sudeep attended Mayo College, Ajmer, and St. Stephen's College, Delhi. He began a career in journalism at The Asian Wall Street Journal, and subsequently held senior positions at Sunday, India Today and HT Media. His media writing has been widely published, including in India Today, AWSJ, The Outlook Group of Publications, Hindustan Times, Mint, Forbes, Business World, Die Zeit, Rolling Stone and OPEN. His short fiction, and essays on conflict, are included in several collections. Sudeep is a professional member of the World Future Society, Washington DC, and member of Coastal Impact, a not-for-profit he co-founded with fellow scuba diving enthusiasts. He lives in Goa.