"Sandeep like most human beings is a product of his own journey. Some part of which happened, some possibly he made happen. From a start point as a timid, insecure child, then through a very uncommon phase of youth to what he is today - a calm, secure person, far clearer about things, he stands hugely transformed. The aggression, the rebellion attitude, The One-Man-Army mindset and somewhat insane risk-taking appetite that he acquired during his late teens, as the grip of chains of frustrations, self-doubt, fear and restrictions became too much for him to live with anymore, stayed with him for a few decades ahead. However, thanks to several educating experiences in the further journey, the raw-ungroomed aggression and that somewhat insane high-risk appetite got tamed, groomed, shaped and matured. They took a reincarnated form of a highly distinguished fire in his belly to get things done, an un-common extent of courage & strength to stand up for principles, people, selfless right cause and be astonishingly ready to pay the price. The One-Man-Army mindset became a Team Builder, Team Player, Leaders Creation mindset, He believes that he has now transcended into a “live to give” phase of life from “live to get”. Last few years Sandeep has been coaching and mentoring individuals and a few Start-Ups as a part of “giving back” – This book also comes in to being from the same trigger & stream of “sharing and passing the learning”. You will read more about it in his own words and through the “Forward” of this book written by none other than the tall and bright... See more
"Sandeep like most human beings is a product of his own journey. Some part of which happened, some possibly he made happen. From a start point as a timid, insecure child, then through a very uncommon phase of youth to what he is today - a calm, secure person, far clearer about things, he stands hugely transformed. The aggression, the rebellion attitude, The One-Man-Army mindset and somewhat insane risk-taking appetite that he acquired during his late teens, as the grip of chains of frustrations, self-doubt, fear and restrictions became too much for him to live with anymore, stayed with him for a few decades ahead. However, thanks to several educating experiences in the further journey, the raw-ungroomed aggression and that somewhat insane high-risk appetite got tamed, groomed, shaped and matured. They took a reincarnated form of a highly distinguished fire in his belly to get things done, an un-common extent of courage & strength to stand up for principles, people, selfless right cause and be astonishingly ready to pay the price. The One-Man-Army mindset became a Team Builder, Team Player, Leaders Creation mindset, He believes that he has now transcended into a “live to give” phase of life from “live to get”. Last few years Sandeep has been coaching and mentoring individuals and a few Start-Ups as a part of “giving back” – This book also comes in to being from the same trigger & stream of “sharing and passing the learning”. You will read more about it in his own words and through the “Forward” of this book written by none other than the tall and bright name in the world of Business & Technology - Mr. Sharad Sanghi"