Sometimes possessing great talent, being competent at your job and having a positive outlook is not enough to do well at work. Professional success is not merely dependent on merit; being able to read people and their motives is what keeps one ahead. But organizational politics baffles most people and only the ones who can negotiate it manage to rise to the top. However, you don't need to 'play politics' to survive - just knowing how different workers operate is enough to keep you one step ahead.
The Corporate Jungle is a guide to organizational politics. It will help you identify the Jaguars, the Lions, the Cats, the Bears and other types within your organization; let you know of destructive ploys people use, such as the Mustard Gas Strategy or the 3R Strategy; and teach you the right defence techniques
HR professional and expert Seema Raghunath's book is invaluable for anyone negotiating office politics and seeking to understand how interpersonal dynamics in organizations work.