This book is a unique compendium of the annotated text of the Companies Act 2013, along with relevant Rules framed thereunder. In other words, it contains a compilation of amended, updated & annotated text of the Companies Act, 2013 & Rules along with Circulars, Notifications and Secretarial Standards.
What sets this book apart is the unique way of presenting the text of the Companies Act and relevant Rules mapped with the relevant Section of the Act. In other words, the annotation under each Section shows:
Relevant Rules framed under the relevant Section
Reference to relevant Forms prescribed
Exemptions available to private companies/Government companies/Nidhis/Charitable Companies/Unlisted Public Company/Private Companies operating from IFSCs located in SEZ
Exemption to Financial Products/Services/Institutions in IFSCs
The gist of relevant Circulars and Notifications
Date of enforcement of the provisions
Corresponding provision under the 1956 Act
Words & Phrases judicially noticed
Allied Laws referred to in the provision(s) and
Relevant provisions of SEBI Rules/SS-1 to SS-4/Listing Obligations/Table F of Schedule I
The Present Publication is the 22nd Edition & amended upto 10th June 2024. This book is edited by Taxmann's Editorial Board, with the following noteworthy features:
[Taxmann's series of Bestseller Books] on Company Laws
[Follows the six-sigma approach] to achieve the benchmark of 'zero error.'
This book is divided into three divisions:
The Companies Act, 2013 with (40+) Rules
Other Rules (15+)
Circulars & Notifications