These illustrated short stories, rich with beautiful illustrations and simple narratives, will captivate the minds of our young readers. Kids are encouraged to read these short stories, improve their communication skills and develop the art of storytelling.
A set of 10 storybooks, this set combines rich illustrations with simple narratives that will take kids on an adventure to fairyland with princes and princesses, fairies, genies, witches, mermaids and more.
The 10 books include short stories with colourful pictures to entertain kids and provide relaxation.
The Forever Classics series of fairytales for kids in this set include “Aladdin,” “Cinderella,”“Little Red Cap,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Rapunzel” and more.
A set of amazing storybooks for kids, these narratives are from a list of timeless classics that have been read for generations. Reading these stories will definitely let kids fall in love with books and become efficient storytellers.
These short stories provide relaxation and ignite imagination in kids' minds. Preferred to be read as bedtime stories, these fairytales have a soothing effect on kids’ minds, leading to a peaceful sleep.