Hi, I'm Lindsey P. I am a proud wife and stay at home mom.
After my first child was born, I started to focus on the ingredients used in our everyday health and beauty products. The more and more research I did, the more nervous and upset I became towards companies and their lack of care towards consumers.
Fast forward two years, shortly after having my second child, I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. During my fight against this disease, I began researching possible causes. I soon began to learn just how many harmful ingredients were not identified on product labels.
I vowed once I recovered to share my knowledge through my newly established company producing all natural products, that include soaps, balms, bath salts, etc etc.
My books are intended to not only educate, but also to share the knowledge and passion that I have gained through my struggles over the last few years.
I hope you enjoy my books. Happy reading!