A scientist engrossed in research in a remote forest receives a threat call. In Paris, Prince Dwarakanath comes across a figurine of Mother Mary holding a child resembling Lord Krishna. Looming above this figurine is Nag Raja, the Head of the Nag clan. Kanchan Kumar and Sulata are a popular pair on screen. Sulata suddenly poisons herself to death. Jahnavi is a no nonsense IPS officer who has been entrusted with the investigation into Sulata’s death. Is there a common thread tying up these 4 events? Will Jahnavi be able to unearth the diabolical elements behind Sulata’s death? History, scandalous extra-marital affairs and murder make up this gritty, fast-paced thriller novel Sesh Nager Bish. Unputdownable from the first page.