At the Age of 29, he started learning Astrology. From reading natal astrology and horoscope he went on to give many successful mundane astrology predictions on various aspects like sports, economy, stock markets, wars and many more in sify. Later on he became a professional astrologer and deciphered the codes of nadi astrology and wrote a book named Practical applications of Nadi Astrology. He has taught bhrigu nandi nadi in many workshops. In fact his usage of transit in nadi astrology is considered as a masterpiece in terms of astrological techniques.he has given more number of mundane astrology predictions than any other astrologers in the world like BV Raman, KN Rao, Sanjay Ruth. In the war against north indian and south indian astrologer bias, because of the fact that he was a south indian astrologer, he was neglected from being recognised for giving a lot of successful predictions in mundane astrology.
His important predictions being Fall of LTTE prabhakara, IRAQ war, Modi winning elections in 2014..... And many more.
In 2004 he created his website to guide people through Astrology. He has clients from all over the world who take regular consultations through whatsapp and Skype.
He has authored more than 12 books on various divine sciences of which the most important book is The Remedial Measures in Kalachakra which enfolds the understanding of remedial measure and it carries 108 situations and the way to solve it.
Kalachakra is an knowledge from tibetian esoteric system initiated by dalailama , which has its original roots in India. Th... See more
At the Age of 29, he started learning Astrology. From reading natal astrology and horoscope he went on to give many successful mundane astrology predictions on various aspects like sports, economy, stock markets, wars and many more in sify. Later on he became a professional astrologer and deciphered the codes of nadi astrology and wrote a book named Practical applications of Nadi Astrology. He has taught bhrigu nandi nadi in many workshops. In fact his usage of transit in nadi astrology is considered as a masterpiece in terms of astrological techniques.he has given more number of mundane astrology predictions than any other astrologers in the world like BV Raman, KN Rao, Sanjay Ruth. In the war against north indian and south indian astrologer bias, because of the fact that he was a south indian astrologer, he was neglected from being recognised for giving a lot of successful predictions in mundane astrology.
His important predictions being Fall of LTTE prabhakara, IRAQ war, Modi winning elections in 2014..... And many more.
In 2004 he created his website to guide people through Astrology. He has clients from all over the world who take regular consultations through whatsapp and Skype.
He has authored more than 12 books on various divine sciences of which the most important book is The Remedial Measures in Kalachakra which enfolds the understanding of remedial measure and it carries 108 situations and the way to solve it.
Kalachakra is an knowledge from tibetian esoteric system initiated by dalailama , which has its original roots in India. The initiation uses astrology and time based on various devathas. The book clearly illustrates the application of Kala chakra without going through the mumbo jumbo of tantric mantras or principles combined with vedic astrology. This is a very unique system of remedies.