Railway Works Engineering - Design, Construction & Maintenance is written by M.M. Agarwal, Former Chief Engineer, Railways, (Email: agarwalmm31@gmail.com & web site: www.railwaytrack.in). This special book, which is a complete treatise on works & bridge engineering for field engineers & supervisors meant not only discharging fields duties but also passing departmental examinations including UPSC Engineering Services examinations. The book contains 28 Chapters comprising 1056 pages with 350 drawings and illustrations so that readers get their ideas clarified. The book covers all aspects of Civil Engineering & Construction such as construction materials, Engineering Survey & project report, Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering, strength of materials & soil mechanies as well as Tenders & contracts in Engineering works. Special subjects connected with Railway have also been covered such as construction of New lines, Doubling & gauge constructions, Railway Stations & Passenger amenities, Railway Land Management, Railway Tunneling & also Establishment matters, Labour laws, Railway budget & control over expenditure. About 30 useful tables & charts have also been given including Thumb rules, which may be very useful to Engineers. M.M. Agarwal author of (Seven) books covering different fields of Railway technology: Indian Railway Track, Railway Works Engineering, Objective Railway Engineering, Indian Railway Safety, Railway Engineering & Hindi books-Rail Path Parichaya & Rail Nirman & Pul Engineering.