Some stories are not just the stories, they are a reality. Some stories never find a writer. Some stories are like, there's no ink for them, they have no paper to write, the locks have been put on the hands, the voice has been erased, and the media has been corrupted. And the series of real stories actually defines the reality of Kalap."
The Author ' Navjot Kaur Sidhu' has started writing this book after the successful publication of her first poetry book 'Ehsaas'. Ehsaas has been published in 2019 and had great success while selling more than 1000 copies worldwide. Ehsaas was moreover about poetry and earn a great response from the Punjabi community. People have shown their love with open arms and the author is so overwhelmed by that. Navjot truly loves the audience who have showered 'Ehsaas' with their purchase of love.
Likewise, Kalap is Navjot's first Punjabi Fiction Novel which is all about spiritual reality and consists of stories. Stories that have never been written and never ever imagined. Kalap will definitely leave a mark on the audience on the different aspects of imagination. Navjot wishes that Kalap will win hearts with its dialogues and words.