‘It is worth buying’ – when this thought comes to the mind towards the purchase of anything – be anything – to the buyer, the seller wins over his mind. And when it comes to books it takes a special place in the heart of the person as the impact somewhere goes into the brain through the heart and vice-versa. Perhaps the reader will think that in saying this we go too far without appealing to common experience, but as far as Astrology is concerned, we go no further than the reader himself can prove by an application of the rules contained in this book to his own life and that of others.
Authentically it may be stated that this book cannot be compared to any other book titled so. “Precise Transit Results book takes the reader closer to the proximity of the Nine planets in transit over the natal chart by stranding himself at the centre of the Zodiac with a humpty number of hands-on illustrations. This predictive art is set firmly in the immovable foundation of Nature, and the whole plan and superstructure is but a presentation of certain well-defined laws operating in and from the archetypal world. The Feel-Good explanations and words of caution are no less intricacies that can be found in any other book of a similar nature. The author has precisely pinpointed every phrase based on his 30 years of experience and the resultant research of over 1,86,000 natal charts. This book will be a treasure trove in your Library of the most valuable.”