in pipe politics, contested waters, Lisa björkman shows how an elite dream to transform Mumbai into a "world class" Business center has wreaked havoc on the city water Pipes. In rich ethnographic detail, pipe politics explores how the everyday work of getting water animated and inhabits a penumbra of infrastructure activity”of business, brokerage, Secondary markets, and socio-political networks”whose workings are reconfiguring and rescaling political authority in the city. Mumbai increasingly illegible and volatile hydrologies, björkman argues, are lending infrastructures increasing political salience just as actual control over Pipes and flows becomes contingent upon br>
Dispersed and intimate assemblages of knowledge, power, and material authority. These new arenas of contestation reveal the illusory and precarious nature of the project to remake Mumbai in the image Shanghai or Singapore, and gesture instead towards the highly-contested futures and democratic possibilities of the actually existing city.
pipe politics, contested waters will find interest among both scholarly and popular readership, as well as among policy make Rs and urban practitioners.&Nbsp; the text is suitable for graduate and postgraduate courses related to global cities, infrastructure and urban governance, urbanisation and planning, political ethnography, subaltern urbanism, Indian politics, and Water studies.