Kiran UPSC Mains psir political Science and international Relations Paper-1 and Paper-2, UPSC psir 2013-2021 solved papers English Medium (3324) UPSC Mains pair 2013 Paper 1; section A & section B Paper 2; section A & section B UPSC Mains pair 2014 Paper 1; section A & section B Paper 2; section A & section B UPSC Mains pair 2015 Paper 1; section A & section B Paper 2; section A & section B UPSC Mains pair 2016 Paper 1; section A & section B Paper 2; section A & section B UPSC Mains pair 2017 Paper 1; section A & section B Paper 2; section A & section B UPSC Mains pair 2018 Paper 1; section A & section B Paper 2; section A & section B UPSC Mains pair 2019 Paper 1; section A & section B Paper 2; section A & section B UPSC Mains pair 2020 ( Exam held on January 2021) Paper 1; section A & section B Paper 2; section A & section B.