The salient features of the book are: — br>
Let's connect: an overview of the br>Unit — self-evaluation checklist: list of learning outcomes for the br>Unit, to self-assess and accordingly set goals to achieve the targets — br>
Let's recall: question(s) to reiterate the concepts learnt earlier — br>
Let's begin: the main concept explanation starts — know more: interesting information related to the concept — keyboard shortcut: easier and quicker method of navigating and executing commands — br>
Let's practise: exercises/projects for practical work and hands-on exercises based on the concept taught — br>
Let's explore: questions for further research and practical expertise — br>
Let's discuss: question to ponder and share your viewpoints — glossary: key terms with their definitions — br>
Let's answer: well-graded objective and subjective exercise to assess the knowledge of the concepts learnt in a session — br>
Let's revise: the br>Unit in nutshell — br>
Let's evaluate: well-graded objective and subjective exercises to assess the knowledge of the concepts learnt in a br>Unit — br>
Let's apply: application-based questions to assess practical application of the concept learnt.