The handbook of Economics has been designed for the students studying in Class XI-XII to act as the revision cum Quick Study Resource for various concepts of Economics. This handbook is a multipurpose quick revision resource with unique format which displays concepts clearly, places them in context and crisply identifies and describes all the factors involved. This handbook has been divided into 37 chapters namely Understanding Economics, Consumer’s Equilibrium, Demand, Supply, Price Determination & Market Equilibrium, Producer’s Behaviour, Main Market Forms, Agricultural Sector, Five Year Plans in India, Industrial Sector, Services or Tertiary Sector, India’s Foreign or International Trade, Economic Reforms Since 1991 or New Economic Policy, Selected Areas of Indian Economy, Human Capital Formation in India, Rural Development, Understanding Inflation, Infrastructure, Environment & Sustainable Development, Development Experience of India, Pakistan & China, Macroeconomics: An Overview, National Income & Related Aggregates, Money & banking, Theory of Income & Employment Determination, Government Budget & Economy, Balance of Payments & Foreign Exchange Rate, International Organisation, Introduction of Statistics & Collection of Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Correlation & Regression, Probability & Expected Value by Mathematical Expectation, Theoretical Probability Distributions, Sampling Theory, Index Number and Basic Tools & Techniques of Economic Analysis. The study material of the book has been prepared in the form of compendium, consistin... See more
The handbook of Economics has been designed for the students studying in Class XI-XII to act as the revision cum Quick Study Resource for various concepts of Economics. This handbook is a multipurpose quick revision resource with unique format which displays concepts clearly, places them in context and crisply identifies and describes all the factors involved. This handbook has been divided into 37 chapters namely Understanding Economics, Consumer’s Equilibrium, Demand, Supply, Price Determination & Market Equilibrium, Producer’s Behaviour, Main Market Forms, Agricultural Sector, Five Year Plans in India, Industrial Sector, Services or Tertiary Sector, India’s Foreign or International Trade, Economic Reforms Since 1991 or New Economic Policy, Selected Areas of Indian Economy, Human Capital Formation in India, Rural Development, Understanding Inflation, Infrastructure, Environment & Sustainable Development, Development Experience of India, Pakistan & China, Macroeconomics: An Overview, National Income & Related Aggregates, Money & banking, Theory of Income & Employment Determination, Government Budget & Economy, Balance of Payments & Foreign Exchange Rate, International Organisation, Introduction of Statistics & Collection of Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Correlation & Regression, Probability & Expected Value by Mathematical Expectation, Theoretical Probability Distributions, Sampling Theory, Index Number and Basic Tools & Techniques of Economic Analysis. The study material of the book has been prepared in the form of compendium, consisting of all important topics, such as concepts, definitions, principles and procedures; well illustrated with examples and diagrams. In the nutshell, this book can be used as a compact and portable reference book for study purpose and for general reference. Due to its simple information and lucid language it can also be used for general reference. This book will prove to be highly useful for aspirants preparing for competitive examinations like CET-BBA, BCA, ICWA, CMA, CS, etc.