In order for a person to commit to a task, it is necessary that he should be told the benefits of that work and the disadvantages should be made for not doing that work. Fazails of action and their benefits are mentioned in the Qur'an Majeed and in the instructions of Huzoor Akram (S.A.W) that such a righteous act will have this fruit in the world and in the hereafter, and where one will have to suffer both this loss and punishment of such evil act. In these books of Fazil, Musannif has accumulated many similar imports and ahadiths on different worship and righteous deeds, in which the price of good deeds and the worldly and lowly harm of bad deeds is revealed. This Majmua which is in your hands is the Majmua of two important and precious books whose names are recorded on the title, all these books are accepted all over the world and they have been translated in many languages of the world.