Matthew Titmus is an academic refugee and veteran of the software development industry who can currently be found serving as an engineering team lead at Yext in New York. He's an organizer for the DevOpsDays NYC Conference, the founder of NYC CoffeeOps, and the author of Cloud Native Go (2nd edition coming soon from O'Reilly Media).
Since teaching himself to build virtual worlds in LPC, he's earned a surprisingly-relevant degree in molecular biology, written tools to analyze terabyte-sized datasets at a high energy physics laboratory, developed an early web development framework from scratch, wielded distributed computing techniques to analyze cancer genomes, and pioneered machine learning techniques for linked data. He was an early adopter and advocate of both cloud-native technologies in general and the Go language in particular.
Matthew has above average handwriting. His hobbies include spontaneous human combustion, collecting dirt, and cold logic. His turnoffs include time, object permanence, barium, and four out of five dentists. He lives on Long Island with the world's most patient woman and the world's most adorable boy.