Chakshu Practice Sets for MPESB Nursing Officer, Staff Nurse Combined Recruitment Exam 2025 is prepared by experts considering every important need of aspirants. It provides important theory, new exam pattern-based questions, various short tricks, hints, and valuable expert tips that help aspirants achieve high scores on the first attempt at the MPESB Nursing Officer, Staff Nurse Exam. It includes 25 Practice Set Papers (with explanations), and 1 Solved Paper (with detailed explanations). This book is based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus and it stands out for its comprehensive coverage of all the sections included in the syllabus such as Part A (Samanya Gyan, Samanya Hindi, General English, Mathematics, General Science, and Samanya Abhiruchi) and Part B (Based on Technical Trade). Chakshu MPESB Nursing Officer, Staff Nurse Practice set book is better than others in every respect and it is a precious resource for comprehensive preparation.