"Engage yourself in the thrilling world of Raj Comics with ""Bheriya Collection Set 1."" This fantastic collection combines four iconic titles featuring the enigmatic hero Bheriya alongside a robust lineup of characters, including Wulfa, Janwar, Kobi Aur Bheriya, and Bali Kuthaar. Written by the talented Sanjay Gupta, this paperback collection is a must-have for fans of Raj Comics and enthusiasts of Indian superhero tales. The paperback edition of Bheriya Collection Set 1 is crafted with high production standards, ensuring durability and longevity. The book's pages are printed on high-quality paper, preserving the artwork's vibrant colors and intricate details. The binding is sturdy, allowing for comfortable reading and easy handling, making it a collector's item for Raj Comic fans. Whether you are a longtime fan of Raj Comics or a newcomer to the world of Indian superheroes, Bheriya Collection Set 1 is an immersive and thrilling journey that will leave you eagerly awaiting the next adventure. Get ready to be fascinated by the heroics, supernatural encounters, and the rich tapestry of Raj Comics' storytelling.