Mohan Tanksale’s story begins in the modest town of Bhopal, where he began his clerkship in the Central Bank of India and details his early encounters with Russian studies, Probationary Officer and CAIIB exams and being one of the youngest Branch Managers in a rural district. As he navigates his formative years, Tanksale paints a vivid picture of the banking landscape in pre-liberalization India of the 1970s and 1980s, a period marked by manual processes, ledgers, and employee unions and then moves on to computerisation and core banking as well as Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation in 1990s. Tanksale also reflects on his tenure as a leader in the banking sector and shares insights into his leadership philosophy even as he navigated the intricacies of managing large financial institutions, ethical governance and compliance. Throughout the book, Tanksale's memoirs are punctuated by anecdotes of personal growth, learning, mentorship, and the relationships that shaped his career. Mohan Tanksale's memoir serves as both an inspiring personal story and a narrative that recounts the dynamic evolution of an industry central to India’s economic growth.