We feel great pleasure in presenting this thoroughly and elaborately revised edition of Bahri’s Guide to Ministerial Staff (UDCs) Examination of the Income tax Department. The necessity of bringing this new edition arises because of amendments in the law, rules and procedures. The answer to the various questions set in the preceding year’s question papers have been given on the basis of latest legal and procedural position. Wherever considered necessary, the questions have been modified to suit the latest legal provisions. Cross reference have been given in regard to questions repeated in the respective examinations. For Precis and Drafting and Practical Test candidates do not have any practising material specific to the Income-tax department, therefore, we have gone extra mile while providing solution to these papers. Procedural matters dealt with in the Income-Tax Department have been suitably modi- fied to reflect the latest operative procedure. A “Referencer for UDC examination, 2024” compris- ing important latest instructions on Income-Tax Act, 1961 and Income-Tax Office Procedure has been incorporated to keep the candidates abreast with the latest departmental instructions on procedures adopted in field and administrative offices. The prime objective of this presentation is to enable the candidates to keep abreast with the latest position applicable to the ensuing examination and to make them aware of the types of questions set in preceding years and how they should be solved in the context of changed and new legal provisions. In short, the practical as well a... See more
We feel great pleasure in presenting this thoroughly and elaborately revised edition of Bahri’s Guide to Ministerial Staff (UDCs) Examination of the Income tax Department. The necessity of bringing this new edition arises because of amendments in the law, rules and procedures. The answer to the various questions set in the preceding year’s question papers have been given on the basis of latest legal and procedural position. Wherever considered necessary, the questions have been modified to suit the latest legal provisions. Cross reference have been given in regard to questions repeated in the respective examinations. For Precis and Drafting and Practical Test candidates do not have any practising material specific to the Income-tax department, therefore, we have gone extra mile while providing solution to these papers. Procedural matters dealt with in the Income-Tax Department have been suitably modi- fied to reflect the latest operative procedure. A “Referencer for UDC examination, 2024” compris- ing important latest instructions on Income-Tax Act, 1961 and Income-Tax Office Procedure has been incorporated to keep the candidates abreast with the latest departmental instructions on procedures adopted in field and administrative offices. The prime objective of this presentation is to enable the candidates to keep abreast with the latest position applicable to the ensuing examination and to make them aware of the types of questions set in preceding years and how they should be solved in the context of changed and new legal provisions. In short, the practical as well as theoretical applicability of law is adequately taken care of in this edition. It is sincerely hoped that the present edition will be of immense help for the candidates intending to appear in the departmental examination of the Income-tax Department for U.D.Cs. and other similar examinations.