Sandeep Garg

An electrical engineer by education, a business person by profession and a poet at heart describes me sufficiently. I was born and brought up in Delhi and grew up inhaling all it had to offer. I wrote my first poem at 16 and dabbled in writing off and on since.

My writing career really began when a niece asked me to help her write a story. At the time I was also reading the Ram-charit Manas, a highly unfashionable thing for a young man to do. I found so many inconsistencies and contradictions that I decided to pen my own rational version and I did.

Then I got hold of the original Valmiki Ramayan and read that. To my astonishment the version I had written almost exactly tallied with the main corresponding parts of that ancient book. In addition I discovered clues; lots and lots of them that told a different story, sort of subtext that changed the entire perspective.

I am fortunate to have stumbled upon this treasure. 'Ramayan on the Run' is my first book and I am sure it constitutes a good beginning. The writing bug lying dormant in me has been unleashed.
Website: https://www.amazon.in/stores/Sandeep-Garg/author/B00P8IUL9O?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_7&qid=1721647691&sr=1-7&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Total Books: 15
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