Inba Vignesh is a Banglore based soft skills trainer and a motivational speaker with a proven track record for successfully empowering students and professionals through coaching, mentoring, encouraging creativity, effective feedback and rewarding efforts. He has trained teams at various levels, including front- line representatives of the corporate community and a team of highly-skilled trainers responsible for companywide training and development solutions. He possess a solid understanding of learning styles, curriculum development, and training methods that motivate and inspire. Inba holds an engineering degree in the field of electronics and communication. He has published works like poetry, short stories and articles in magazines at the school and college levels; however his first professional work was Law of Jiluk which was published in 2014 after which, there was no looking back. In 2017 Law of Jiluk 2 saw the day light and subsequently the concluding part of the Jiluk series,