"Physical Chemistry for Medical Entrance Examinations" is written to cater to the need of students seeking admission to logical professional courses. This is an era of tough competition where the best can survive. The present trend in competitive examinations is the stress on an objective rather than subjective treatment of the subject matter. The medical entrance examinations of India include objective questions; assertion-reason type questions. With these objectives in mind, we have tried to present this book for the noble cause of medical aspirants. The complete subject matter has been arranged in a systematic and lucid manner. Every topic of concern has been dealt with precisely and to the point in simple and understandable language. Concepts have been explained with proper reasoning. Each unit is provided with a synopsis, ie, a summary and quick revision of principles and mathematical formulas just before the examination. A number of solved objective questions are given within the text for a proper understanding of the subject matter. It is our BELIEF that students will be duly rewarded and awarded if they attempt these questions honestly and sincerely after learning the particular topic