Death separates Dulari from her beloved twin sister, Ujjwala. Forlorn, her spirit remains on Earth as a powerless but constant companion to Ujjwala. Like the apsara Urvashi, she has the power to travel between worlds but no family, no one to love.
Dulari has a dream: she hopes to be reborn as Ujjwala’s daughter and find a home for herself. Twenty-nine years have gone by, but her dream remains unfulfilled. The re is hope, though, for Ujjwala has a son and now longs for a daughter.
Then arrives a man from Ujjwala’s past. His presence upsets her life and sets into motion a series of events that threaten to destroy her completely. Only Dulari can save her sister, but to do that, she must relinquish her dream. Will Dulari intervene and protect Ujjwala or will she wait and watch? Will her endless longing for life and belonging overpower the love she has for her sister?
Sensitively written and evocative, a 'Home for Urvashi' depicts the bond of sisterhood that goes beyond life and death.