This masterpiece takes us on a beautiful evolutionary journey as parents, and helps sculpture our children into strong and wonderful human beings. Dr. (Mrs.) Namita SharmaPrincipal, Queens Valley School, New Delhi.Every conversation between the parent and child is so real and grounded, yet teaches potentially life elevating lessons - both for parents - and children. Dr. Anil Kumar ParasharJt. Registrar (Rtd.), National Human Rights CommissionThe children of today's generation are street smart and worldly-wise. Perhaps the only area where they lack are the softer aspects of life. The good news is that they will easily imbibe all essential life skills if we, as parents, can just find time to interact with them every day.This book is no 'gyan' on parenting. It is a diary of my real-life interactions with my fairies during their growing years. In each of the 28 father-daughter interactions presented in the book, there are 57 life elevating lessons for our children and for us well.