The Adventures Of Captain Underpants is a children’s novel that revolves around a superhero.The book’s two main characters, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, are 4th graders of Jerome Horowitz Elementary School. These two boys have created a comic which features a superhero by the name of, The Amazing Captain Underpants. One day, these two kids play a prank on the football team. Their child-hating principal, Mr Krupp, finds out, and he threatens to reveal this information to the footballers, unless George and Harold become his servants. In The Adventures Of Captain Underpants, the boys end up washing Mr Krupp’s car, doing extra homework, cleaning his office, and more. One day, the two protagonists buy a 3-D hypno-ring, and then hypnotise Mr Krupp into becoming Captain Underpants. The principal changes into his underwear, and ties a cape around his neck. Much to the boys dismay, the principal is convinced that he really is a superhero. Mr Krupp starts to fight crime. To make matters worse, George and Harold can’t find the instruction manual for the hypno-ring, and can’t bring back their principal to his normal state.The Adventures Of Captain Underpants contains hilarious illustrations throughout the book, making it appealing to even the most reluctant readers. Written for kids over the age of nine, this novel is witty, exciting, and hard to put down. Its colour edition, published by Scholastic Inc. in 2013, is available in paperback. Key Features: The Adventures Of Captain Underpants is the first novel in the Captain Underpants series. A Children’s Bookshelf Sele... See more
The Adventures Of Captain Underpants is a children’s novel that revolves around a superhero.The book’s two main characters, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, are 4th graders of Jerome Horowitz Elementary School. These two boys have created a comic which features a superhero by the name of, The Amazing Captain Underpants. One day, these two kids play a prank on the football team. Their child-hating principal, Mr Krupp, finds out, and he threatens to reveal this information to the footballers, unless George and Harold become his servants. In The Adventures Of Captain Underpants, the boys end up washing Mr Krupp’s car, doing extra homework, cleaning his office, and more. One day, the two protagonists buy a 3-D hypno-ring, and then hypnotise Mr Krupp into becoming Captain Underpants. The principal changes into his underwear, and ties a cape around his neck. Much to the boys dismay, the principal is convinced that he really is a superhero. Mr Krupp starts to fight crime. To make matters worse, George and Harold can’t find the instruction manual for the hypno-ring, and can’t bring back their principal to his normal state.The Adventures Of Captain Underpants contains hilarious illustrations throughout the book, making it appealing to even the most reluctant readers. Written for kids over the age of nine, this novel is witty, exciting, and hard to put down. Its colour edition, published by Scholastic Inc. in 2013, is available in paperback. Key Features: The Adventures Of Captain Underpants is the first novel in the Captain Underpants series. A Children’s Bookshelf Selection: Each month our editor’s pick the best books for children and young adults by age to be a part of the children’s bookshelf. These are editorial recommendations made by our team of experts. Our monthly reading list includes a mix of bestsellers and top new releases and evergreen books that will help enhance a child’s reading life.