Science can find remedy for physical diseases. How can the decease ‘avarice’ which makes a person stop valuing human life be stopped? Watch Doctor Shivanand’s journey through the pharmaceutical world in his quest to invent a panacea for unconquered illnesses. Read the thrilling account of how he copes with the onslaught of greedy company politics while facing the threats from international mafia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Towards the end of the twentieth century, authors such as Arthur Helley, Dan Brown took literature on an innovative path. Their works can be classified as ‘Infotainment’. Their popular novels were simply ‘unputdownable’! Arun Manohar in his novel ‘Wadhata Wadhata Wadhe’ (‘Ever Increasing’) has tried to follow a similar path in Marathi. Industry is always dictated by mathematics of profit and loss. It inevitably sprouts a killer competition. The international politics behind this competition is dirty. Matters are further complicated by the internal company politics. Mr. Manohar has presented all encompassing view of the situation in his ‘unputdownable’ novel. He has artfully captured the industrial culture, accurate scientific details, crisp and meaningful dialogues. –Dr. Bal Fondke