First published in 1925, ‘The Man Nobody Knows’ by American author and advertising executive Bruce Barton, topped the nonfiction bestseller list. In this book, Barton presents Jesus Christ as a businessman, and 'founder of Modern Business', in an attempt to make the story accessible to contemporary businessmen. Barton depicted Christ as a man's man, not the meek, effeminate figure he had encountered in Sunday School.
Here was the world's first advertising man, whose parables sparkled as models for modern jingle writers. Here was Christ, the world's greatest business executive, who "picked up twelve men from the bottom ranks of business and forged them into an organization that conquered the world."
Its lessons for the modern businessman are even more compelling today. The example portrayed by Jesus Christ is clarified in this book. From its pages, learn the keys to success, the secrets of leadership, and the path to genuine happiness. In this day and age, Barton's comparison of Biblical teachings, personalities, and situations, offer great insights into the basic principles of developing a successful business, encouraging a team, and supporting clientele.