It is extraordinary that Japanese men's longevity ranks 4th in the world, while Japanese women's ranks2nd. But perhaps this comes as no surprise when you know that the Japanese understanding of ikigai isembedded in their daily life and in absolutely everything that they do. In their professional careers, in theirrelationships with family members, in the hobbies they cultivate so meticulously. The Japanese talk aboutikigai as 'a reason to get up in the morning'. It is something that keeps one's enthusiasm for life going,whether you are a cleaner of the famous Shinkansen bullet train, the mother of a new-born child or aMichelin-starred sushi chef. The Five Pillars at the heart of everything they do. But how do you find yourown ikigai ? How does ikigai contribute to happiness? Neuroscientist and bestselling Japanese writer KenMogi provides an absorbing insight into this way of life, incorporating scientific research and first-handexperience, and providing a colourful narrative of Japanese culture and history along the way.