Are you a seeker, rebel, non-conformist and free-spirit? Yes? ... This book is for you.
This book is for the rational, the practical, the seeker, the non-conformist, the leader, the rebel and the free spirit . . . This book is for you, dear reader, to destroy your self-limiting beliefs and realize your full potential.
As this journey of self-discovery spanning eighteen years unfolds, Lenaa keeps a promise she made to herself during her darkest hours: 'If I can stay off psychiatric medication for two years, I will write a book for fellow sufferers of anxiety, depression and the rigid psychiatric system.' Now, five years later, the clarity has distilled down to five questions, one answer and a system of instant self-realization.
What am I? Who am I? Where am I? When am I? Why am I?
Can you answer these questions to your own satisfaction? If the answer is not a definite ‘Yes’, dive right into The Autobiography of God.