BELLE BOGGS has published work in Glimmer Train, Oxford American, and Best New American Voices 2003. She received an MA in fiction from the University of California at Irvine and grew up in King William County, Virginia. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. The Art of WaitingOn Fertility, Medicine, and MotherhoodBy Belle BoggsGRAYWOLF PRESSCopyright © 2016 Belle Boggs
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-55597-749-8
ContentsThe Art of Waiting, 3,
Baby Fever, 17,
Imaginary Children, 35,
In the Peanut Hospital, 55,
Visible Life, 71,
Just Adopt, 81,
Solstice, 99,
The Whole House, 115,
Takeover, 127,
Birth Stories, 153,
Carrying, 175,
Paying for It, 183,
Epilogue, 209,
Acknowledgments, 219,
Selected Resources, 221,
Notes, 227,
Selected Bibliography, 237,
CHAPTER 1The Art of Waiting
It's spring when I realize that I may never have children, and around that time the thirteen-year cicadas return, tunneling out of neat, round holes in the grou