Set against the backdrop of Delhi. The love story begins when Aarav, a newly joined software engineer working in HCL, falls in love with the beautiful daughter to the owner of a well-known café in Delhi, Swati. He starts touring her café daily. Their romance commences and Aarav, upon realizing Swati's interest in him, soon proposes to her. Soon after, they find themselves lodged in the same heart and lost in the depth of their love for each other.
Aarav and Swati together were like a poem, a beautiful, rhyming verse and like a love letter to each other written in the language of their hearts which only they could understand.
Soon After, their destiny gets cursed and a turn of events makes Aarav to disappear completely without any trace. Did Aarav truly love her, or did he dump her ? Was there any truth that Aarav was hiding from Swati? Is Aarav Alive or dead? How will Swati find the real truth behind Aarav's disappearance?
Will their relationship fall apart, or will they win over everything and be reunited?
What has destiny planned for both Aarav and Swati?
Is destiny always kind, or does it love playing with the emotions of true lovers?
“She Was Only Mine” is an enriching tale and a true love story of unconditional love and sacrifice that will touch your heart. This is a love story that defines what True Love actually means.