”Sadhuragiri Siddhar Vanam” is a coffee table book on Sadhuragiri hills located in the southern hills of Tamil Nadu near Srivilliputhur. Its a curated collection of the forest captured by the author and team Its an unique work, as befits this sacred forest. We know very few books that captured the soul of a sacred forest to the degree that this one does. Sadhuragiri Siddhar Vanam or forest is also where Shiva, the Lord of All and all the 18 siddhars performed Tapas and are home to many endangered species of animals like Tiger and plants .There are few places in India as pristine and symbolic of the whole of Shaivam. Through this eloborate account of trekking of this sacred hill, history, geography and mystery and photographs,Dr.S. Murugan who is into bringing out the significance Sadhuragiri holds for the thousands of pilgrims and seekers who would like to take this holy pilgrimage trekk to seek the Divine.For those who wouldn't be able to climb up the book takes them through a jouney uphill the forest till they reach Sadhuragiri peak.