Agrawal Examcart

Agrawal Examcart, an entity of Agrawal Group of Publications is a leading publisher of competitive and entrance exam books. The books are published in both print and digital format. The company also publishes E-books, test series and online courses for various competitive and entrance exams. It also has a youtube channel by the name of Examcart Live where Daily Current Affairs and Live classes are conducted by subject experts.

The company within a short span of time has become one of the most trusted brand among teachers and students pan India. The content is prepared by a team of highly qualified and passion driven subject matter experts from pan India. The goal of the company is simple i.e. provide rich content that helps students to crack their exam easily. The approach while preparing a book is to ensure the coverage of complete exam syllabus and structure content that is tightly linked to the exam pattern and previous years questions.

Within small duration the company has created The company publishes books for many prestigious competitive exams such as SSC, Bank, Railway, CTET, KVS/NVS teacher exams, Defence and UPSC. Moreover, company also publishes books for various state exams such as U.P., M.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, Haryana, Rajasthan and more. Various entrance exams such as Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Sainik School, Central Hindu School, IIT JEE and NEET books are also published under the brand name of Agrawal Examcart.
Total Books: 292
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