One for All Question Banks are here to be your No. 1 learning companion for many reasons but a very important one; a one-stop solution to help you Amp up your Learning.
In compliance with NEP, Oswaal One for All is the complete package of -NCERT Questions, CBSE Diksha & Competency -based questions like- MCQs, Assertion-Reason, /Passage-based questions etc. Artificial Intelligence & Art integration makes it a complete toolkit to achieve your 2024 academic goals.
The purpose of this book is an elevated one: Building problem solvers, creative thinkers and dynamic innovators and shape the youth, like you, in a way that they are future-ready.
The Oswaal Editorial Board has designed Oswaal CBSE One For All Question Banks for the academic session 2024-25 in accordance with the latest rationalized NCERT textbooks.
Instead of browsing through multiple resources, all you need to do is go through this well-researched resource prepared to help you excel in every subject in your examinations. Oswaal Books wishes to empower all its readers with knowledge-led, outcome-backed resources and hopes this helps you consistently achieve success in all your academic endeavours.