General Instructions
(i) This paper consists of 60 MCQs, attempt any 50 out of 60
(ii) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5).
(iii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1).
(iv) Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0).
(v) If more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options.
(vi) If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question.
(vii) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given five marks (+5).
(viii) Calculator/any electronic gadgets are not permitted.