In an era of disasterous weapons, man-made epedemics and the worst ever terrorism that has truly become a transborder global phenomenon; everbody is afraid of what the unfolding near future has for the humanity. Although all sorts of astrologers claim that the coming years will eventually transform the humanity in a better manner but it would have to suffer a lot during the next few years. Hundreds of years earlier, a French astrologer, physician and reputed seer, Michel de Nostredame, usually known as ostradamus, pin pointedly predicted future events, in his book Les Prophéties, in 1555. For the first time the author, Ashok Kumar Sharma, has decoded and interpreted these prophecies inIndia and predicted the Rajiv Gandhi assassination in 1991, much before that actually happended. The author is now revealing the next 50 years ahead. Best Selling Author Ashok Kumar Sharma has won many national awards. He is a reputed skilling expert working independently with many organizations after retiring as a class-I government officer.