In the realm of Bengali mystery and thriller literature, Anish Deb remains unparalleled even today. His untimely departure hasn’t dimmed his legacy— One after another, his books continue to be published posthumously, each warmly received by eager readers. Yet, not many know that back in the 1970s, Anish Deb introduced a traditional detective character who shared his own name—Detective Anish Chowdhury. A fascinating figure in Bengali crime fiction, this forgotten detective is now being revived in ‘Goenda Anish Chowdhury Samagra’ . Known for his masterful penmanship, Anish Deb didn’t just write mysteries—he built immersive worlds and characters that left readers at the edge of their seats. His storytelling seamlessly blended suspense, intellect, and emotion, making his works timeless. With this collection, the long-lost tales of Detective Anish Chowdhury are set to find a new audience, proving once again that good stories—and great authors—never truly fade away. *********************** বাংলা রহস্য-রোমাঞ্চ সাহিত্যে অনীশ দেব আজও অপ্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী। চলে যাওয়ার পরেও তাঁর একের পর এক বই প্রকাশিত হয়েছে, এবং প্রতিটিই পাঠক সাগ্রহে নিয়েছেন। সেই অনীশ দেবই যে সত্তরের দশকে নিয়ে এসেছিলেন এক ট্রাডিশনাল গোয়েন্দা চরিত্�... See more
In the realm of Bengali mystery and thriller literature, Anish Deb remains unparalleled even today. His untimely departure hasn’t dimmed his legacy— One after another, his books continue to be published posthumously, each warmly received by eager readers. Yet, not many know that back in the 1970s, Anish Deb introduced a traditional detective character who shared his own name—Detective Anish Chowdhury. A fascinating figure in Bengali crime fiction, this forgotten detective is now being revived in ‘Goenda Anish Chowdhury Samagra’ . Known for his masterful penmanship, Anish Deb didn’t just write mysteries—he built immersive worlds and characters that left readers at the edge of their seats. His storytelling seamlessly blended suspense, intellect, and emotion, making his works timeless. With this collection, the long-lost tales of Detective Anish Chowdhury are set to find a new audience, proving once again that good stories—and great authors—never truly fade away. *********************** বাংলা রহস্য-রোমাঞ্চ সাহিত্যে অনীশ দেব আজও অপ্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী। চলে যাওয়ার পরেও তাঁর একের পর এক বই প্রকাশিত হয়েছে, এবং প্রতিটিই পাঠক সাগ্রহে নিয়েছেন। সেই অনীশ দেবই যে সত্তরের দশকে নিয়ে এসেছিলেন এক ট্রাডিশনাল গোয়েন্দা চরিত্র, লেখকের যিনি সমনামী, 'গোয়েন্দা অনীশ চৌধুরী', তাঁর কথা ক'জনই বা জানতেন! হারিয়ে যাওয়া সেই সমস্ত লেখা নিয়ে এই 'গোয়েন্দা অনীশ চৌধুরী সমগ্র'। আশা করি, হারিয়ে যাওয়া গোয়েন্দাপ্রবর একালের পাঠকের কাছে সমানভাবে সমাদৃত হবেন।