Gilgamesh is the hero of the Sumerian epic, much like our Ramachandra or Arjuna. His story is found in the world's oldest written material. In his country, there appears some empires such as Sumerian, Akkadian or Assyrian which were built in the Euphrates-Tigris basin. Who were their Gods? What was their relationship? Who is Inanna or who is Ishtar? What is the name of the God of Sun? Who is the God of Moon? When and to achieve what, they fight against each other? This book is a time travel through the entire Mesopotamian mythology through the story of Gilgamesh's life journey. Over the time, which God has risen, who has fallen? Who was Maduk, who is 'Asur'? Where were the 'Tower of Babel' situated in past? This book is a narrative of mythological and political history from 4000 BC to the Roman era.