Essentials of English Grammar and Composition is a series of nine books. Parts 1 to 8 cater to the needs of Indian students in Primary and Middle classes. The last Part is meant exclusively for Secondary and Senior Secondary classes. Each book in the series is a complete package in itself. It has separate sections dealing with grammar, vocabulary, comprehension and composition. So the teachers do not need to look for additional books to teach reading and writing skills or to enhance their students’ vocabulary. The approach we have adopted in teaching grammar may be described as ‘grammar in action’. It has three components: (i) Essential grammatical concepts are explained with the help of lucid illustrations and are followed by a variety of exercises to reinforce those concepts. (ii) Some exercises are meant exclusively for oral practice. They can be done quickly but should prove to be very effective. (iii) Grammar activities will not only strengthen the students’ conceptual grasp but also promote accuracy and fluency in speaking English besides taking care of paralinguistic elements (pronunciation, intonation, pitch, pace, pauses, etc.). Some other salient features of the series are as follows: