In this book there are five subjects available like:- Child Development and pedagogy, Mathematics, Science, Hindi, English. Child Development and pedagogy contents are 1. Concept of development and its relationship with learning 2. Principles of child development 3. Influence of heredity and environment 4. socialization process 5. piaget, kohlberg and vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives 6. Concepts of child- centered and progressive education 7. Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence 8. multi-dimensional Intelligence 9. Language & thought 10. Gender as a social construct 11. Individual differences among learner 12. Evaluation of learning 13. Evaluation of Achievement and formation of questions 14. Inclusive education and addressing children from diverse backgrounds 15. identifying disabled and learning disability children 16. addressing talented, creative, specially abled learners. Learning and pedagogy 17. Thinking and learning in children 18. Basic processes of teaching and learning etc.Mathematics - 1. number system 2. LCM and HCF 3. Simplification 4. Measurement & distribution 5. Average 6. Time speed and distance 7. profit and loss 8. geometry and shapes 9. mensuration etc. mathematical pedagogy -1.Nature of mathematics / logical thinking 2. place of mathematics in curriculum 3. language of mathematics 4. community mathematics etc. Science- 1. Food 2. matter and its state 3. Material of daily use 4. The world of living 5. cell 6. human physiology 7. microorganism 8. electric current and circuits 9. natural resources etc. Hindi 1.संधि �... See more
In this book there are five subjects available like:- Child Development and pedagogy, Mathematics, Science, Hindi, English. Child Development and pedagogy contents are 1. Concept of development and its relationship with learning 2. Principles of child development 3. Influence of heredity and environment 4. socialization process 5. piaget, kohlberg and vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives 6. Concepts of child- centered and progressive education 7. Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence 8. multi-dimensional Intelligence 9. Language & thought 10. Gender as a social construct 11. Individual differences among learner 12. Evaluation of learning 13. Evaluation of Achievement and formation of questions 14. Inclusive education and addressing children from diverse backgrounds 15. identifying disabled and learning disability children 16. addressing talented, creative, specially abled learners. Learning and pedagogy 17. Thinking and learning in children 18. Basic processes of teaching and learning etc.Mathematics - 1. number system 2. LCM and HCF 3. Simplification 4. Measurement & distribution 5. Average 6. Time speed and distance 7. profit and loss 8. geometry and shapes 9. mensuration etc. mathematical pedagogy -1.Nature of mathematics / logical thinking 2. place of mathematics in curriculum 3. language of mathematics 4. community mathematics etc. Science- 1. Food 2. matter and its state 3. Material of daily use 4. The world of living 5. cell 6. human physiology 7. microorganism 8. electric current and circuits 9. natural resources etc. Hindi 1.संधि विच्छेद 2.समास 3. शब्द विचार etc. English- Reading comprehension 2. Poetry comprehension . pedagogy- Learning and acquisition 2. principles of language teaching 3. Role of listening and speaking 4. Role of grammar in learning a language 7. challenges of teaching language etc