भारत में पहली ऐसी Book जिसमें Vocabulary को Detailed Explanation के साथ समझाया गया है। " Complete Vocabulary Volume 01 , Volume 2 By Jaideep Singh (USEFUL FOR SSC CGL, CPO, UPSC, IBPS PO, Clerk, SBI, RRB, CHSL, Stenographer, CDS, NDA, Airforce, MTS, DSSSB, State SSC, Assistant Exams LIC, Metro & Other One-Day Competitive Exams.) Most repeated synonyms and antonyms in competitive exams All synonyms asked in exams Exam wise synonyms asked in recent exams All antonyms asked in exams Exam wise antonyms asked in recent exams Synonyms & antonyms practice sets with detailed explanation Word (Part of Speech), English Meaning, Hindi Meaning, Synonyms and Antonyms, Usage