Chakshu Rajasthan Pre D.EL.Ed (BSTC) Entrance exam solved papers are based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus. This book is a complete study material prepared by experts considering every important need of aspirants. These solved papers are beneficial for those preparing for the Rajasthan Pre D.EL.Ed (BSTC) entrance exam 2025. This book is based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus and covers important questions from all the sections included in the syllabus. In Chakshu Rajasthan Pre D.EL.Ed (BSTC) entrance exam book, you’ll get more than 1800+ objective-type questions (with detailed explanations) and solved papers from 2008 to 2024 with detailed explanations with updated theory, previous year’s questions, new exam-pattern-based questions, and valuable expert tips and hints that help aspirants crack the Rajasthan Pre D.EL.Ed Entrance exam with good marks on the first attempt.