Anustuper Jibanananda (Vol. 2) (Collection of Writings on Jibanananda from Anustup Vol. 2 Anustuper Jibanananda, a much cherished project envisioned by ‘Anustup’, collects the essays on varied aspects of literary contributions of Jibanananda Das, the poet who revolutionized the cartography of Bengali poetry in the contemporary post-Tagore era. This project, divided into two large volumes and edited by Debiprasad Bandyopadhyay, Sumita Chakraborty and Anil Acharya, chiefly collects the articles which were published in Anustup for the last five decades. The mystery, the enigma and the profoundness embodied in the literary works, both prose and poetry, produced by the literary genius like Jibanananda Das still continues securing the critical attention and prompt responses from both the critics and readers. The second volume of Anustuper Jibanananda includes the writings of the relatives, friends and close associates of Jibanananda surely rejuvenating the memory of the poet, a large number of perceptive studies of the prose works of Jibanananda, and detailed chronologies of his life and works. Besides focusing on the poet’s life and works, these two volumes also reveal the gradual evolution of the critical responses to Jibanananda during a long span of time of almost six decades.