The Book Describe Fungi ,Bacteria and viruses ( as well as subviral pathogens ) in light of recent information. It introduces the three domains (= Super Kingdoms), the Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya, proposed by carl woese, and the new kingdoms of Protozoa, Chromista and Straminopila. The new classification of fungi (Kirk et al. 2001) , bacteria (Bergey's Mannual of Systematic Bacteriologyu, 2004) and viruses (International committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, 2006) have been included. There are descriptionof viroids, virusoids, virnos and prions - organisms before which viruses pale into insignificance in smalless of their size and ingenuity of parasitim. There is a separate chapter on AIDS and HIV. I am sure students will appreciate these additions and derive much value by the newer information about these organisms.