The Commissioner of Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala conducts various entrance examinations every year to provide admissions into different professional courses of the affiliated government and private colleges of the state. Make yourself well-versed with the revised edition of “Kerala CEE 13 Years’ Solved Papers [2010-2022]” that has been carefully compiled together to serve as an absolute exercise manual for the candidates. As the title name suggests, this book is a collection of Previous Years’ Papers arranged systematically in a chapterwise manner. Every question is further supported by detailed & authentic solutions that aim to clarify the concepts from essential topics of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Following the latest trend of Kerala CEE, this extensive set of Solved Papers is worth taking into account for greater preparation for the exam. Key features of this book are: 1. Complete coverage of the latest prescribed syllabus 2. Serves as an exercise manual 3. Collection of Previous Years’ Papers 4. All the questions are arranged systematically in a chapterwise manner 5. Detailed & authentic solutions to all the questions 6. Clarifies concepts from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics TABLE OF CONTENTS Solved Paper [2022-2010]