A wise man once said that practice and discipline are the roads to success in any competitive exam. To hold a seat as Civil Service Officer in Odisha, aspirants must know about the nitty-gritty such as the OPSC exam pattern, marking scheme, etc. The revised edition of “OPSC-GENERAL STUDIES (PAPER-1)” has been strategically designed making the content more precise and examination centric. This book begins with the Current Affairs section covering major turn of events around the world & Solved Papers will help aspirants to understand the concepts. Dividing the entire syllabus into 6 parts as per the latest syllabus, the chapters are well explained giving an in-depth understanding of the concepts. General Knowledge & all about the state of Odisha has also been included to enhance knowledge about the state. In the end, 5 Crack Sets will support aspirants to practice well as per the exam pattern. It is a must-have tool that proves to be one point solution for the Odisha Civil Services Preliminary Examination. This book includes: 1. A practice & study material for Odisha Civil Service Examination 2023 2. Divides the syllabus into 6 sections to get in-depth of the concepts 3. Current Affairs section is added to enhance awareness on various topics 4. Solved Papers (2015-2022) to get an in-depth understanding of the concepts 5. 5 Crack Sets are provided for more practice TABLE OF CONTENT: Current Affairs, Solved Papers (2022,2021,2019,2018, 2017, 27 th November 2016, 8 th November 2015), History of India & Indian National Movement (Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India, In... See more
A wise man once said that practice and discipline are the roads to success in any competitive exam. To hold a seat as Civil Service Officer in Odisha, aspirants must know about the nitty-gritty such as the OPSC exam pattern, marking scheme, etc. The revised edition of “OPSC-GENERAL STUDIES (PAPER-1)” has been strategically designed making the content more precise and examination centric. This book begins with the Current Affairs section covering major turn of events around the world & Solved Papers will help aspirants to understand the concepts. Dividing the entire syllabus into 6 parts as per the latest syllabus, the chapters are well explained giving an in-depth understanding of the concepts. General Knowledge & all about the state of Odisha has also been included to enhance knowledge about the state. In the end, 5 Crack Sets will support aspirants to practice well as per the exam pattern. It is a must-have tool that proves to be one point solution for the Odisha Civil Services Preliminary Examination. This book includes: 1. A practice & study material for Odisha Civil Service Examination 2023 2. Divides the syllabus into 6 sections to get in-depth of the concepts 3. Current Affairs section is added to enhance awareness on various topics 4. Solved Papers (2015-2022) to get an in-depth understanding of the concepts 5. 5 Crack Sets are provided for more practice TABLE OF CONTENT: Current Affairs, Solved Papers (2022,2021,2019,2018, 2017, 27 th November 2016, 8 th November 2015), History of India & Indian National Movement (Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India, Indian Art & Culture), Geography (World Geography, Indian Geography), Indian Polity & Governance, Indian Economy, Environment & Ecology, Science, General Knowledge, Odisha: About state, 5 Crack Sets