The Kendriya Vidyalayas Sangathan is an educational chain of central government schools that aims to hone the skills of students through proper teaching. KVS holds the responsibility for the recruits of Officers Cadre, Librarian and Non-Teaching posts under special recruitment.
Present book for Self-Preparation Guide for KVS-PGT English Recruitment Examination has been devised keeping in mind the needs of the aspirants taking the exam. It covers complete syllabus with sufficient number of MCQs. Along with complete coverage of chapter wise theory the book also includes ample number of practice exercises.
In the book you will also find, latest Solved Paper to know the trend and pattern exactly and 3 Practice Sets to check your preparation just before the exam.
Table of Content
Solved Paper 2017
Section A: Reading Comprehension, Section B: Writing Ability, Section C: Grammar and Usage, Section D: Literature
3 Practice Sets.