Features the following types of problems:
1. Single Correct Answer Type
2. Multiple Correct Answers Type
3. Linked Comprehension Type
4. Matrix Match Type
5. Numerical Value Type (including Integer Answer Type)
6. JEE (Main) PYQs – 2023 (Session 1) – Chapterwise Qs along with topic name tags
7. JEE (Advanced) PYQs – 2010-22 Qs
Provides detailed solutions/explanations to all types of exercises
Supplemented with Revised Chapterwise/Topicwise DPP booklet
On Cengage Digital app:
1. 5+ hours of videos on difficult topics
2. 537 Qs as chapterwise assessments
3. 2009–22 chapterwise solved JEE Main Qs
4. Questions from Session 2 shall be added on the App after the exam